Our Pastoral Staff

Bill Young
Senior Pastor at MBC
Bill Young grew up as a preacher’s kid in Dixon’s Mills, Alabama. He graduated from LeTourneau University (B.A. in History, 1976) and Southeastern Bible College (Bible and Secondary Education, 1981). While at Southeastern, Bill met and fell in love with the former Becky Johnson from Tulsa, Oklahoma. They were married on May 30, 1981. They have three children: Lauren is married to Tyler and they have four children; Ben is married to Jackie and they have four children, and Anna is married to Andrew.
He graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary in 1987 with a ThM in Pastoral Ministry. Bill served for three years as the assistant pastor at Lake Ridge Bible Church in Mesquite, TX, and then 19 years as senior pastor at Community Bible Church in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Bill became the pastor of Madison Bible Church on August 1, 2009. He is excited to preach and teach the word of God and to minister alongside his wife Becky in the life of the people here at MBC.

Jay Hughes
Associate Pastor of Youth & Outreach
Jay Hughes grew up in Huntsville and met his wife Cameron while they were attending Auburn University. After graduation Jay and Cameron both enrolled as students at Dallas Theological Seminary where Jay completed a TH.m. in 2001 and Cameron received a C.G.S. that same year. After Dallas the Hughes’ served at Fellowship Bible Church in Conway, Arkansas for three years and departed for the mission field in 2005. The Hughes’s served as missionaries with Josiah Venture in Ukraine through the end of 2011. There, Jay served as team leader, lead evangelism projects, training seminars for youth leaders as well as establishing a youth ministry in a local church. The Hughes’ have four children and enjoy having guests in their home.

Dan Morgan
Assistant Pastor of Children & Worship
Dan Morgan grew up among the corn fields of central Indiana. He spent many hours serving in local churches with his family. He met, and fell in love with, his wife Erica while attending North Central University in Minneapolis, MN. They were married in 1994. They graduated together in 1996 – Dan with a Bachelors of Science Degree in Children’s Ministry and Erica with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Mass Communications with an emphasis in Theatre.
Dan has served in many capacities in local churches, including Children’s Pastor, Youth Pastor, Lead Pastor, Worship Leader and even the church janitor! The Morgans have four children and enjoy spending time around their home.

Jessica Amacher
Office Manager
Coming Soon…