From Madison with love
Children's Discipleship
Madison Bible Church's children’s ministry provides a caring environment where our children are taught to trust in Jesus for salvation and to live a life of loving obedience to Him through purposeful and intentional discipleship through the Word of God.

Little Lambs - Nursery
9:15 to 12pm - The nursery has bright and cheerful spaces for active play, sleeping, and reading for the children and includes private areas for nursing moms.

Little Lambs - 2′s & 3′s
9:15 - 12pm - Bible stories, songs, snacks, activities, and free time. It is a wonderful atmosphere that reflects God and learning about His love while they are enjoying worship.

JAM 4yrs - 5th Grade
10:45 - 12pm - A fun filled action packed time of worship, in a large group experience that includes worship, drama, skits, games, and action packed teaching time.